What Does NICEIC Stand For?

What Does NICEIC Stand For?

Almost every profession has its own set of abbreviations, acronyms and technical jargon, including the electrical sector – so if you’re not already familiar with the term you might be wondering: what does NICEIC stand for?

NICEIC is shorthand for the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting – one of several organisations responsible for the regulation of training and work carried out by electrical enterprises in the UK. 

Originally founded in 1923 as the National Register of Electrical Installation Contractors), NICEIC has since become the largest UK voluntary register of electrical businesses.

What the NICEIC Do

NICEIC tests and assesses over 36,000 businesses to ensure that any work taken is compliant with strict safety standards and regulations and that equipment is used and properly calibrated.

Testing is also carried out to ensure that NICEIC-registered businesses and their employees are properly qualified to carry out electrical work.

Assessment Procedures

Testing is done via an assessment of the business procedures, policies and technical competencies to ensure that proper systems are in place and that work is carried out in accordance with strict standards and regulations.

Competency Measures

NICEIC-approved contractors must ensure that work is carried out according to the most current edition of the BS7671 (with both certification and copies made).

They must also have public liability insurance of £2m minimum – and must be competent with test instruments as outlined by Part 6 (“Inspection and Testing”) of BS 7671 (IET wiring regulations).

Building Regulations

NICEIC registered contractors must also adhere to building regulations, as contractors registered to NICEIC Building Regulations Schemes in England and Wales must be authorised to self-certify work carried out to the Local Building Control Body.

Why Choose an NICEIC-Registered Contractor?

Choosing an NICEIC registered contractor not only saves time and money whilst undertaking work that requires notification under building regulations – it also carries a guarantee of quality service and assurance that work will be carried out in accordance with safety standards as per their platinum promise and complaints procedure.

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