Electrician Crosby – House Rewire Specialists Only
A full house rewire is a large undertaking and that is why it is best to use a local electrician in Crosby with the right experience and certificates to carry out your house rewire safely.
Here at AGW we have been solving the house rewiring problem for those looking for an electrician in Crosby for many years now. Our expertise lies in full house rewires so unfortunately we do not do stand alone servies such as changing sockets, light switches, fixing faults etc. If you are concerned that your house needs a full house rewire then we are the perfect people for the job. So if you are looking for an electrician in Crosby be sure to get in touch with us today.
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Car Charging – We Do Home EV Charger Fitting
We are qualified to fit home electric car charging points. The Government is slowly moving away from fuel cars and therefore a car charging point at home is becoming an important point for many home owners. We can factor this into your home rewire quote if you require this.
How To Choose An Electrician in Crosby For A Full House Rewire
Finding an electrician in Crosby that you trust is important in order to avoid cowboys! No matter who you are looking at, always check their reviews and testimonials online before getting in touch. They also need to be NICEIC approved which is a legal must to be allowed to carry out an important task such as house rewiring.
We are NICEIC approved and we always register the job with local building control for full accountability of the work we have done for you.
So if you are looking for a house rewire electrician in Crosby, we are a reliable team that can help.
Important Facts To Know When Rewiring A House In Crosby
We keep you safe
There are plenty of historic, beautiful homes in Crosby that are more than likely overdue a complete house rewire. Wiring is something that degrades over time and can become dangerous without the owner realising. Our house rewires are properly completed to keep you safe in your home.
Rewiring takes 2-4 days
We work in a timely manner and will get the job done within 2-4 days for you (for an average three bed property). We understand it is disruptive so work as efficiently as possible to get it done and dusted for you.
Personalisation – Get what you need
When doing a house rewire, it’s the perfect time for you to consider re-positioning sockets, lighting to give you freedom when arranging equipment around your home. If you are planning a refurb or are waiting to move in, it’s best for us to do the job first before you do because it helps to keep the cost down.
Future green technologies are us
Energy is changing, the Government’s plans to transition to a greener future is becoming ever more important. By 2023 natural gas may become an energy source not put into new homes. In 2023 there is an aim to have all new cars that are sold being fully electric. This means that homes need to be geared up to handle the power required to charge a vehicle and potentially heat a house. If you are pro-active to get the right wiring in your house now, it can save you a lot of money in the long run.
We are honest
We are a genuine company that want you to be satisfied. So why not get in touch today to ask us to be your electrican in Crosby?
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AGW Electrical Services North West Ltd
3 The Manor
Rainford, St Helens
WA11 8GH
United Kingdom